The Man Behind MONSTA

Although my blog is mainly about the EFL, I have also had the chance to talk to some local sporting people about their experience in the sporting world. Including this interview with MONSTA surf founder Cam Greenwood 



I sat down with Cam to discuss all things surfing, MONSTA and everything else in the busy life of the founder of MONSTA

When did you start surfing?
Growing up in Melbourne the only chance I had to go the beach was in school holidays. I always loved the ocean and being in the waves. That being said I only really got into surfing when I was 16. I bought a board and got my Mum to drive me down to Torquay in the middle of winter with only a 2/2 mm wetsuit and just taught myself really. The feeling of standing up on my first real wave was just exhilarating. I think that’s the feeling that just gets everyone hooked.

What do you love most about surfing?

Everything, There’s just so much to love about it. Whether it’s some amazing swell coming in and the anticipation for it, or waking up early in the morning while it’s still dark with my best mate Regan and making the trip down to our spot, the experience is always a continuum. Hearing the ocean and its power, tasting the spray, paddling out and watching an amazing barrel, all of the senses are stimulated. It’s got to be one of the most amazing feelings in the world, to be able to control something that’s not controllable. The ocean has its own power and life, and surfers are blessed with the opportunity to ride its waves.  

Best surfing experience?

Being blessed to be able to surf Sumatra last month for a few weeks with the best people. I was pumped almost every day and it had the best vibes, in and out of the water.

Worst surfing experience?

I haven’t really had any bad surfing experiences, but I would have to say just seeing people taking themselves too seriously in the water, no one needs that.

How often do you surf?

Not as often as I would like to!! Living in Melbourne while juggling MONSTA, basketball and university ties me down a bit but I try to surf at least once or twice a week.

What’s your biggest fear as a surfer?

Not being able to do what I love!

Where has been your favourite place to travel or surf?

Indo for sure. Hawaii is amazing but it’s a bit more serious up there.

What other hobbies/interests do you have?

I play basketball for Sherbrooke in the Victorian Youth State Championship team and have always loved playing ball. It has been my greatest passion growing up.
I also love going to the G’ and watching the pies play and of course catching up with my mates and having a good time.

What started MONSTA? 

I had always been really interested in surfboard design and when I was in year 12 I asked my parents if I could have an area to make a surfboard as we were rebuilding a storeroom in our backyard. They said yes but I don’t think they thought I was going to take the place over and turn it into fully set up shaping area. I practiced my craft in there and got little tips from shapers here and there. In March 2012, I wanted to put a label on my surfboards so they weren’t plain. I thought of the name MONSTA and it sounded fun so my partner, Erin, drew up the logo and that’s how it started. I think I always had a little dream to run a surf company. Back in high school I would always draw funny little surf logos but I really didn’t plan to grow MONSTA to what it has when we drew that first logo, it just grew really fast and I went with it.

How did it feel to start up the MONSTA foundation?

Something I have learned from my parents is to always give back, so having the MONSTA foundation really allows the brand to do that. It always feels good to be generous, so every time something is purchased it feels awesome to know that a share of that is going towards a greater cause than keeping the brand running.

What are you looking to accomplish through MONSTA?

If MONSTA can inspire even just a few of our youth to do everything with integrity and passion, then it’s doing a good job. Outside of that, I am hoping that the MONSTA foundation can raise enough money to help the kids of the Huruma Childrens Home see their hopes and dreams fulfilled and of course take them for a surf down the coast of Kenya in the near future! It would definitely be cool to be retailed and to have a concept store but those things really don’t matter much to me. People are more important.

You have just launched your new clothing line, you must take great pride in that?

Yes I think I take most pride when I’m driving through the city and see someone wearing our clothes or see a sticker on a car. I literally want to pull over and give them a high five, haha! I think that’s the most rewarding thing, it’s like a stamp of approval. Its rad when people want to part of what I am doing. That’s the most rewarding thing.

With the brand going from strength to strength you must have a great support crew?

Yes I couldn’t ask for a better support team. My partner Erin is always coming up with creative ideas and she is awesome for consulting and keeping me on track. I have my best mates Regan and Kyle who are a part of the brand; Kyle actually did a lot of the design work on our first line of threads. I have Rod Heinrich who was given so much encouragement and support since day one and is always spreading the word and getting it out there. Then I have my parents and they are just amazing, so grateful for them! My dad’s business advice is priceless and my mum has always been there for me and basically ran the brand while I was in Indo for the last month. My brother and sister are also really helpful for problem solving and advice.

Who is the biggest influence in your life?

Definitely my parents. They have raised me up to who I am today and taught me all the values that I implement with the brand.

Do you feel that your ambassadors are a reflection of your brand?

What we really do is recognize and respect talents and personalities. I would rather not have the best athlete, I would rather have the athlete who comes in second but stands for what we represent. And I feel that we have done a pretty good job with that.

What’s the most exciting or best part of what you do?

The interaction I have with MONSTA fans and the satisfaction I feel when they love the products.

What is the most difficult or worst part of what you do?

Balancing my time between family, friends, basketball, study and the brand.

How do you find the time for your studies other hobbies with all that is going on with your brand?

I struggle with this a lot! Running a brand is a pretty full on job, I love it and I am so passionate about the brand but you do take it everywhere you go so it is hard to find time away from it but I’m always trying to get better at balancing my work and study and social life and will continue to get better at it. One thing I have learnt is to not let the brand get in the away of my family or friends. I don’t want it to take over as I won’t enjoy it as much.

What is the future for surfboards?

I really do think surfboards will increasingly become shorter and more parallel in years to come. Giving the surfer more freedom on the wave. I also believe that fins and flex should be looked into a lot more. Fins make a massive difference and not many surfers realize. You can put bad fins in a great board and 9 times out of 10 people will blame the board. 

What is next for MONSTA? 

Ultimately, we thrive to inspire our generation to be all they can be and to do everything with passion and integrity. We don’t want to be another typical surf brand. We want to be the alternate fashion brand to action sports and the quirky surf brand to fashion. We have told a lot of fun stories so far and we have lots more to tell!




About cjkennedy23

21, Studying Sports Journalism at La Trobe University.
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